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ANSI Standard Stainless Steel Pipe Chart

Stainless steel pipe is one of the more standardized materials in the building and engineering industries. The thickness of the pipe walls, diameter of the pipe and even the chemical composition are all written as part of the American National Standards Institute standards, which is just one of multiple standards available.
Wall Thickness
Stainless steel pipe categorized by the American National Standards Institute uses the term schedule in reference to the pipe's wall thickness. Despite this standardization, the wall thickness is not the same for every diameter of pipe. Instead, the schedule refers to the general strength of the pipe. Therefore, a schedule 40S stainless pipe has a wall thickness of approximately 1.73mm for a pipe with outside diameter of 10.3mm but increases to 9.53mm for a pipe of the same schedule but 323.9mm in diameter. There are four general schedules for stainless pipe; 5S, 10S, 40S and 80S.

Within each schedule of pipe there are multiple diameters of stainless steel pipe standardized by ANSI. These diameters range from 10.3mm (or .405 inches) to 323.9mm (or 12.75 inches). It is important to note that some diameters are not available in every schedule. For instance, the smallest diameters are not available in schedule 5S and many diameters are very difficult to find in some schedules, or very expensive if they are available.

Though ANSI standardizes stainless steel pipe, there are multiple formulas of stainless steel available. The two primary steels used in the manufacture of stainless steel pipe are ANSI 304 stainless steel and ANSI 316. Both steels have similar chemistry and differ only slightly in the amount of chromium in the steel.
Stainless Steel Pipe Chart
American National Standards Institute - ANSI
NPS OD Schedule Designations Wall Thickness Inside Diameter Weight
(Inches) (ANSI/ASME) (Inches) (Inches) (lbs./ft.)
1/8 0.405 10/10S 0.049 0.307 0.1863
Std./40/40S 0.068 0.269 0.2447
XS/80/80S 0.095 0.215 0.3145
1/4 0.54 10/10S 0.065 0.41 0.3297
Std./40/40S 0.088 0.364 0.4248
XS/80/80S 0.119 0.302 0.5351
3/8 0.675 10/10S 0.065 0.545 0.4235
Std./40/40S 0.091 0.493 0.5676
XS/80/80S 0.126 0.423 0.7388
1/2 0.84 5/5S 0.065 0.71 0.5383
10/10S 0.083 0.674 0.671
Std./40/40S 0.119 0.622 0.851
XS/80/80S 0.147 0.546 1.088
160 0.188 0.466 1.309
XX 0.294 0.252 1.714
3/4 1.05 5/5S 0.065 0.92 0.6838
10/10S 0.083 0.884 0.8572
Std./40/40S 0.113 0.824 1.131
XS/80/80S 0.154 0.742 1.474
160 0.219 0.618 1.944
XX 0.308 0.434 2.441
1 1.315 5/5S 0.065 1.185 0.8678
10/10S 0.109 1.097 1.404
Std./40/40S 0.133 1.049 1.679
XS/80/80S 0.179 0.957 2.172
160 0.25 0.815 2.844
XX 0.358 0.599 3.659
1 1/4 1.66 5/5S 0.065 1.53 1.107
10/10S 0.109 1.442 1.806
Std./40/40S 0.14 1.38 2.273
XS/80/80S 0.191 1.278 2.997
160 0.25 1.16 3.765
XX 0.382 0.896 5.214
1 1/2 1.9 5/5S 0.065 1.77 1.274
10/10S 0.109 1.682 2.085
Std./40/40S 0.145 1.61 2.718
XS/80/80S 0.2 1.5 3.631
160 0.281 1.338 4.859
XX 0.4 1.1 6.408
2 2.375 5/5S 0.065 2.245 1.604
10/10S 0.109 2.157 2.638
Std./40/40S 0.154 2.067 3.653
XS/80/80S 0.218 1.939 5.022
160 0.344 1.689 7.462
XX 0.436 1.503 9.029
2 1/2 2.875 5/5S 0.083 2.709 2.475
10/10S 0.12 2.635 3.531
Std./40/40S 0.203 2.469 5.793
XS/80/80S 0.276 2.323 7.661
160 0.375 2.125 10.01
XX 0.552 1.771 13.69
3 3.5 5/5S 0.083 3.334 3.029
10/10S 0.12 3.26 4.332
Std./40/40S 0.216 3.068 7.576
XS/80/80S 0.3 2.9 10.25
160 0.438 2.624 14.32
XX 0.6 2.3 18.58
3 1/2 4 5/5S 0.083 3.834 3.472
10/10S 0.12 3.76 4.973
Std./40/40S 0.226 3.548 9.109
XS/80/80S 0.318 3.364 12.5
XX 0.636 2.728 22.85
4 4.5 5/5S 0.083 4.334 3.915
10/10S 0.12 4.26 5.613
Std./40/40S 0.237 4.026 10.79
XS/80/80S 0.337 3.826 14.98
120 0.438 3.624 19
160 0.531 3.438 22.51
XX 0.674 3.152 27.54
4 1/2 5 Std./40/40S 0.247 4.506 12.53
XS/80/80S 0.355 4.29 17.61
XX 0.71 3.58 32.43
5 5.563 5/5S 0.109 5.345 6.349
10/10S 0.134 5.295 7.77
Std./40/40S 0.258 5.047 14.62
XS/80/80S 0.375 4.813 20.78
120 0.5 4.563 27.04
160 0.625 4.313 32.96
XX 0.75 4.063 38.55
6 6.625 5/5S 0.109 6.407 7.585
10/10S 0.134 6.357 9.289
Std./40/40S 0.28 6.065 18.97
XS/80/80S 0.432 5.761 28.57
120 0.562 5.491 36.39
160 0.719 5.189 45.35
XX 0.864 4.897 53.16
7 7.625 Std./40/40S 0.301 7.023 23.57
XS/80/80S 0.5 6.625 38.05
XX 0.875 5.875 63.08
8 8.625 5S 0.109 8.407 9.914
10/10S 0.148 8.329 13.4
20 0.25 8.125 22.36
30 0.277 8.071 24.7
Std./40/40S 0.322 7.981 28.55
60 0.406 7.813 35.64
XS/80/80S 0.5 7.625 43.39
100 0.594 7.439 50.95
120 0.719 7.189 60.71
140 0.812 7.001 67.76
XX 0.875 6.875 72.42
160 0.906 6.813 74.69
9 9.625 Std./40/40S 0.342 8.941 33.9
XS/80/80S 0.5 8.625 48.72
XX 0.875 7.875 81.77
10 10.75 5S 0.134 10.482 15.19
10S 0.165 10.42 18.7
20 0.25 10.25 28.04
30 0.307 10.136 34.24
Std./40/40S 0.365 10.02 40.48
XS/60/80S 0.5 9.75 54.74
80 0.594 9.564 64.43
100 0.719 9.314 77.03
120 0.844 9.064 89.29
140 1 8.75 104.13
160 1.125 8.5 115.64
11 11.75 Std./40/40S 0.375 11 45.55
XS/80/80S 0.5 10.75 60.07
XX 0.875 10 101.63
12 12.75 5S 0.165 12.42 22.18
10S 0.18 12.39 24.2
20 0.25 12.25 33.38
30 0.33 12.09 43.77
Std./40S 0.375 12 49.56
40 0.406 11.938 53.53
XS/80S 0.5 11.75 65.42
12 12.75 60 0.562 11.626 73.15
80 0.688 11.376 88.63
100 0.844 11.064 107.32
120 1 10.75 125.49
140 1.125 10.5 139.67
160 1.312 10.126 160.27
14 14 10S 0.188 13.624 27.73
10 0.25 13.5 36.71
20 0.312 13.376 45.61
Std./30/40S 0.375 13.25 54.57
40 0.438 13.124 63.44
XS/80S 0.5 13 72.09
60 0.594 12.814 85.05
80 0.75 12.15 106.13
100 0.938 12.126 130.85
120 1.094 11.814 150.9
140 1.25 11.5 170.21
160 1.406 11.188 189.1
16 16 10S 0.188 15.624 31.75
10 0.25 15.5 42.05
20 0.312 15.376 52.27
Std./30/40S 0.375 15.25 62.58
XS/40/80S 0.5 15 82.77
60 0.656 14.688 107.5
80 0.844 14.314 136.61
100 1.031 13.938 164.82
120 1.219 13.564 192.43
140 1.438 13.124 223.64
160 1.594 12.814 245.25
18 18 10S 0.188 17.624 35.76
10 0.25 17.5 47.39
20 0.312 17.376 58.94
Std./40S 0.375 17.25 70.59
30 0.438 17.124 82.15
XS/80S 0.5 17 93.45
40 0.562 16.876 104.67
60 0.75 16.5 138.17
80 0.938 16.126 170.92
100 1.156 15.688 207.96
120 1.375 15.25 244.14
140 1.562 14.876 274.22
160 1.781 14.438 308.5
20 20 10 0.25 19.5 52.73
20 0.375 19.25 78.6
30 0.5 19 104.13
40 5.94 18.814 123.11
60 8.12 18.376 166.4
80 1.031 17.938 208.87
100 1.281 17.438 256.1
120 1.5 17 296.37
140 1.75 16.5 341.09
160 1.969 16.064 379.17

NPS OD Schedule Designations Wall Thickness Inside Diameter Weight
(Inches) (ANSI/ASME) (Inches) (Inches) (lbs./ft.)
22 22 10/10S 0.25 21.5 58.07
Std./20/40S 0.375 21.25 86.61
XS/30/80S 0.5 21 114.81
60 0.875 20.25 197.41
80 1.125 19.75 250.81
100 1.375 19.25 302.88
120 1.625 18.75 353.61
140 1.875 18.25 403
160 2.125 17.75 451.06
24 24 10/10S 0.25 23.5 63.41
Std./20/40S 0.375 23.25 94.62
XS/80S 0.5 23 125.49
30 0.562 22.876 140.68
40 0.688 22.626 171.29
60 0.969 22.064 238.35
80 1.219 21.564 296.58
100 1.531 20.938 367.39
120 1.812 20.376 429.39
140 2.062 19.876 483.1
160 2.344 19.314 542.13
26 26 10 0.312 25.376 85.6
Std./40S 0.375 25.25 102.63
XS/80S 0.5 25 136.17
28 28 10 0.312 27.376 92.26
Std./40S 0.375 27.25 110.64
20/80S 0.5 27 146.25
30 0.625 26.75 182.73
30 30 10 0.312 29.376 98.93
Std./40S 0.375 29.25 118.65
XS/20/80S 0.5 29 157.53
30 0.625 28.75 196.08
32 32 10 0.312 31.376 105.59
Std. 0.375 31.25 126.66
20 0.5 31 168.21
30 0.625 30.75 109.43
40 0.688 30.624 230.08
34 34 10 0.312 33.376 112.25
Std. 0.375 33.25 134.67
20 0.5 33 178.89
30 0.625 32.75 222.78
40 0.688 32.624 244.77
36 36 10 0.312 35.375 118.92
Std./40S 0.375 35.25 142.68
XS/80S 0.5 35 189.57
42 42 Std./40S 0.375 41.25 166.71
XS/80S 0.5 41 221.61
30 0.625 40.75 276.18
40 0.75 40.5 330.41
48 48 Std./40S 0.375 47.25 190.74
XS/80S 0.5 47
Special Alloy / Specialist Steel
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