ANSI Pipe Specifications

The American National Standards Institute codes for pipe specifications cover pipes and fittings in cast iron, cast bronze, wrought copper and steel. ANSI B16 is the specific standard of pipes and fittings and is interpreted on a web site called In addition, this web site identifies subcategories that may or may not apply to your organization.
Approach to Becoming Code Compliant
Create a list of what piping materials your business uses or supplies, specifically pipe and fittings. Some of the materials have their own standards. For example, for cast iron threaded fittings, B16.4 gives the specific codes that should be applied with respect to temperature ratings, and so forth. Once the materials are identified, find the standards that apply.
Finding Which Subcategories Apply to Your Business
In addition to, The Engineering ToolBox has a complete list of the ANSI pipes and fittings standards and also leads to various other sites that may or may not apply to your organization. Keep in mind this is a list of the standards, not the actual standards from ANSI. However, this list is an applicable interpretation that will help you identify which of the ANSI standards apply to your business. By taking the list of materials you created and comparing it to the list of standards, you will now know which subcategories apply to your business.
ANSI B16: Standards of Pipes and Fittings
This is the general ANSI standard that applied to pipes and fittings. There are subcategories that apply to specific materials, such as cast iron. By referring to the list of materials you have already created you will be able to find the subcategories that apply to your business.
Purchasing ANSI Standards
Before you go to purchase ANSI standards, you want to know which of the standards directly apply to you. Your list should have been created from visiting either of the resources mentioned above ( or The Engineering Toolbox). To obtain a set of standards that apply to your organization, go to the official ANSI website. Key in the standard number that applies to your organization, for example ANSI B16. This will direct you to an ANSI comparison chart. This chart will offer you options and help you decide the most cost-effective method of purchase.